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Pemeriksaan dan Perawatan Kaki Diabetes

Perawatan Kaki, Apotik, dan Laboratorium
Perawatan Kaki Diabetes
Seseorang dengan diabetes, diabetisi, lebih sering mengalami masalah pada kaki. Diabetes dapat mempengaruhi saraf diabetisi. Hal ini menyebabkan diabetisi kurang peka dalam merasakan rasa sakit atau tekanan di kulit pada kaki. Diabetisi bisa saja tidak menyadari adanya cedera pada kaki sampai cedera tersebut berkembang, bahkan terinfeksi.

Diabetes mempengaruhi kemampuan tubuh diabetisi dalam melawan infeksi. Adanya kerusakan di pembuluh dikarenakan berkurangnya aliran darah dan oksigen ke kaki. Luka kecil maupun pecah-pecah pada kulit dapat menjadi luka yang lebih dalam.

Perawatan kaki merupakan bagian penting yang perlu diperhatikan diabetisi. Di SS Diabetes Care, kaki diabetisi dirawat dengan seksama, dan diabetisi akan diberi saran bagaimana cara merawat dan mencegah kaki diabetik.

Diabetes Foot Care
People with diabetes, diabetics, are more likely to have to foot problems. Diabetes can damage nerves. This, in turn, may diabetics less able to feel an injury or pressure on the skin of their foot. They may not notice a foot injury until severe damage or infection develops.

Diabetes changes diabetics body\'s ability to fight infections. Damage to blood vessels because of diabetes results in less blood and oxygen getting to their feet. Because of this, small sores or breaks in the skin may become deeper skin ulcers. The affected limb may need to be amputated when these skin ulcers do not improve, get larger, or go deeper into the skin.

Foot care is an especially important part of care for diabetics. Some of the effects of the disease increase the risk of foot problems and also increase the likelihood of complications.

SS Diabetes Foot Care is a specialised diabetes care where our health professionals diagnose and treat foot conditions. Diabetics would be advised on how to prevent future foot problems occurring.

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